<![CDATA[Squirrel Cave]]>https://squirrelcave.com/https://squirrelcave.com/favicon.pngSquirrel Cavehttps://squirrelcave.com/Ghost 5.75Wed, 13 Dec 2023 20:08:44 GMT60<![CDATA[秒祝父亲节快乐背后的礼物]]> 人声鼎沸是我的画布, 目及所处是我的世界, 心之向往是我的留白。

“爸!父亲节快乐” 5个字加上一个蛋糕表情

https://squirrelcave.com/miao-zhu-fu-qin-jie-kuai-le-bei-hou-de-li-wu/629b9648ed697e00019e42b5Sun, 19 Jun 2022 15:30:02 GMT 人声鼎沸是我的画布, 目及所处是我的世界, 心之向往是我的留白。秒祝父亲节快乐背后的礼物

“爸!父亲节快乐” 5个字加上一个蛋糕表情包再加上词根联想速成键,不到5秒这条祝福信息就在我两个大拇指之间飞移跳动间秒祝发射。 平衡及时快感背后都是要陷入无意识的空无时刻,去及时更新大脑和灵魂的同步。我在推着历史年轮集体顺势行走着时候, 不禁茫然的停了下来,眼睛怔怔的看着嘈杂拥挤的人流方向, 我俯身摸了摸车轮撵下的辙印。 好像听到有人声飘来说我落后了, 但是此时的我充耳不闻, 只顾傻傻的看着这些混合着各色泥土奇形怪状的条形码。扪心自问着:我是谁? 我在哪? 我想要做什么?我想要去哪里? 为什么?

我开始陷入沉思 我开始扪心自问:人类最基本的核心情感维系什么时候变得这样速成? 按照守恒定律。 速成情感是不稳定的随时都能支离破碎转化成另外一种形式和能量。顺应趋势的我们都生活一个在高速运营的电子信息时代里,从清规戒律的庙宇到互联网头目的办公区里每一个社区小单元里我们都在时代发展里被裹挟前进着。 没有一个社会人能活成为一个中心岛屿。

自打90年代初互联网开始走进中国的网吧,一直到2022年今天依然正在蓄势改变我们的生活方式。看似互联网渗透到我们日常的浪潮前浪推后浪, 浮事新人换旧人。 但实质还是信息的传播方式,速度是传播的关键变量。 从古代最高等级的八百里马不停蹄24个小时加急送到直至今日秒送秒回中间经过多少信息技术跌更和升级。

速成的感情再薄也是零星建设,只是从人类发展角度这远远不够。 如果顺应背景趋势,那速成叠加积累就是一个很好的策略。

我不能改变历史车轮前进的方向, 我不能改变时间一帧一秒在弹指间流逝。 与其站在桥上望洋兴叹说着逝者如斯, 不如脚踏实地用自己的方式去记录我目光所及的世界。 我想背倚繁华,隐于闹市,为有缘者留下点时代和生活的蛛丝马迹。 我想 找块心灵的净土,一个温暖的空间去打理自己思绪从而避免自己沉陷在越来越短的视频和文字里去失去自我。

就趁着这个特殊的父亲节吧!十年异国他乡的积累奋斗期间我和父亲天人永隔, 当时我以为父亲节从此和我再无瓜葛, 可是因为我挚爱的人生伴侣, 更因为2021年11月一个新生命借着我的身体安全着落人世间。我的女儿自此有了她生命里两个最重要的血亲去庆祝父亲节:父亲和祖父。2022年的父亲节自此开始闪烁出了意义非凡的光辉。 我和队友用了一个月的零碎世间开通了“松鼠驿站”博客。以2022的父亲节为序章, 往后余生就在松鼠驿站用自己的方式连接自己,家人和世界。

人生本是一本丰富多彩的书, 人生皮囊是封皮;名字和社会关系写在扉页上;前言是对人生的简介;人生每十年便是目录引擎, 正文是公平的时间上帝赐予每一个人每天的24个小时的每分每秒;页码就是日历上一分一秒的记录;参考文献则是影响我们我们一生的每一个和每一件事。

而今天三十而立中的篇章里我和队友:松鼠驿站开张的第一天我如是说: 我是新晋宝妈,我是松鼠驿站的女掌柜,我和我家的男掌柜安家在波特兰的繁华闹市中, 我们想以自己感知外界温度的方式记录余生,我想和我爱的小小可儿和温暖如玉的家人积极热爱生活。用我们的好奇心陪伴一颗新诞生的童心驱动世界因为相比互联网催生的量化信息的长度,快度和广度,我和我的队友更看重生命的宽度,韧度和深度。


<![CDATA[Happy Father's Day, Charles]]>Happy Father's Day, Charles! Welcome to the squirrelcave parenting blog. Thank you for the push to get this going.

This blog will document Shia's and my parenting adventures with our Little Clove, and you already know we have so much we want to say. Each generation

https://squirrelcave.com/happy-fathers-day-charles/62aa6de9241c9f0001244d00Sun, 19 Jun 2022 13:25:11 GMT

Happy Father's Day, Charles! Welcome to the squirrelcave parenting blog. Thank you for the push to get this going.

This blog will document Shia's and my parenting adventures with our Little Clove, and you already know we have so much we want to say. Each generation stands on the shoulders of the last, so Little Clove's stretch back to you and Mom. I'm proud to start this blog on (Grand-) Father's day, with acknowledgements to you, Dad.

Thank you, Dad, for everything you've given me.

Thank you Dad, for laughter. Mom always said she picked you for your good-natured laugh, and you always told me a family needs the sound of laughter. My earliest memory of you is that "hhwt hhwt" noise you'd make before tickling me. You could send me into giggles with just the anticipation, making that noise and wiggling your fingers. I am passing this tradition and these giggles on to Little Clove.

Thank you Dad, for teaching me to Be Results Oriented. It took me a while to grasp this meaning, but in today's chaotic world it gives much-needed Focus. Focus will be a foundational skill for Little Clove, and Being Results Oriented will help her stay focused in whatever endeavors she chooses.

Thank you Dad, for modeling healthy living. Your hiking-adventuring lifestyle is an inspiration. I look forward to the day when Little Clove wants to climb Camelback Mountain or cross the Grand Canyon, and I'll tell her "Let's ask Grandma and Grandpa to take us!"

Thank you Dad, for encouraging my exploration and curiosity. Finding an n-way solution to your two-way switch problem is still one of my proudest memories, especially as I recall your excitement opening up the house light switches to confirm. Shia and I are preparing Little Clove's environment with opportunities to disassemble and opportunities to build. Opportunities for her own "Aha!" moments.  

Thank you Dad, for the support you've given us since Mingming was born. From fish soup in the hospital, to making sure we got some sleep the first month, to helping us install our vent hood. They say it takes a village to raise a child. You and Mom have been our village so far.

Thank you Dad. You've taught me by example to enjoy life, be active, and be a family man. I treasure your lessons and I will pass them on as family heirlooms. I treasure the foundation you've given me. It will be Mingming's Foundation's Foundation.

Thank you Dad, I love you.
